ADAMA Software

ReSSA+ includes significant modifications of ReSSA(3.0). FHWA-HIF-17-004 (Download) and Leshchinsky et al. (2017) (Download) provide all the details including instructive example problems. ReSSA+ allows for a convenient two-stage analysis which may lead to optimal design of geosynthetic-reinforced complex structure. It does not distinguish between ‘slopes’ and ‘walls’ but rather uses a unified limit state approach which uses established limit equilibrium analysis

MSEW+ is an interactive program used to analyze MSE walls with metallic or geosynthetic reinforcement.  It includes ASD and LRFD methodologies following AASHTO 2020, 2017, 2007-2010, 2002, and 1998 as well as NCMA 1997. Analysis methodologies include Simplified AASHTO, Simplified Stiffness, and Coherent Mass Gravity. 

FoSSA (2.0) is an interactive program for assessing stresses and settlements under embankment and footings acting on horizontal ground surfaces.

ReSlope (4.0) is an interactive, design-oriented, program for geosynthetic-reinforced slopes. For a given problem including geosynthetic strength, reduction factors, and design safety factors, ReSlope produces the optimal layout (i.e., length and spacing) of reinforcement layers.

GeoCoPS (3.0) is an interactive program for the design of geosynthetic tubes. For a given problem, the geometry of the tube and the circumferential and longitudinal required strength of the encapsulating geosynthetic are produced. The computations account for reduction factors related to seam strength, durability, creep and installation damage. Results are obtained by solving a differential equation subjected to design constraints.

LimitState:GEO allows users to rapidly determine the critical failure mechanism and margin of safety for any type of problem, including those involving:

  • Slopes with or without reinforcement
  • Retaining walls
  • Foundation footings
  • Combined problems, including any of the above


OptumG2 is a comprehensive finite element program for geotechnical stability and deformation analyses.

Its modern graphical user interface ensures an intuitive and efficient workflow. The computational core builds on state-of-the-art numerical algorithms that lead to an unprecedented efficiency and robustness – independent of the complexity of the model.